Orthopedist Steglitz
Are you looking for a good orthopaedist in or around Steglitz? At Dr. Topar’s modern private practice for orthopaedics near Berlin Steglitz , you are finally well advised. Our responsible specialists treat back, joint and muscle pain conservatively, but also perform surgical, minimally invasive procedures to restore your ability to move. And always according to your needs, with a great deal of patience and empathy. The goal of our work is your freedom from pain – and your satisfaction.
Medical procedures at ORTHO EINS, orthopaedist for Steglitz
Whether chiropractic therapy or trauma surgery, acupuncture or shock wave therapy, osteopathy or minimally invasive procedures: In all our treatments, our practice team attaches great importance to ensuring that you feel understood and comfortable. The patient is always the focus of our orthopaedic practice near Berlin Steglitz!
Our proven diagnostic procedures:
Following a detailed medical history, various clinical examinations are used for diagnosis. Sonography (ultrasound), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computer tomography (CT) or X-rays are just some of the many possibilities. We also use bone density measurement to diagnose osteoporosis and monitor the progression of the disease.
Our reliable conservative therapies:
Our orthopaedic team treats osteoarthritis using proven osteoarthritis therapy as well as chronic tendon and muscle diseases, inflammations or injuries with proven shock wave therapy. The range of services here also includes numerous other therapies:
- Chirotherapy and manual therapy
- Acupuncture and kinesio taping
- Osteopathy and pediatric osteopathy
- Trigger point treatment and needling
- Autologous blood therapy (Orthokine method, ACP, PRP)
- Acupuncture
- Laser therapy
- Rheumatism therapy
Our modern and low-risk, minimally invasive therapies :
- Facet injection
- Radiofrequency therapy & joint injections (e.g. hyaluronic acid)
- Transforaminal epidural therapy (epidural injection)
- Periradicular therapy (PRT)
What services do the orthopaedists at ORTHO EINS in Steglitz offer?
Whether you are an athlete, child or adult: if you are plagued by pain in your back, spine, muscles or joints, you have come to the right place. At our orthopaedic practice in Steglitz, we have set ourselves the goal of finding the source of your pain and treating it professionally and minimally invasively.
Dr. Topar and his competent team of orthopaedic specialists offer private patients and self-paying patients in and around the Steglitz district numerous orthopaedic services for all aspects of the musculoskeletal system.
Typical diagnostic methods include anamnesis, clinical examinations, ultrasound (sonography) and precise imaging procedures such as MRI, CT and X-ray.
In our orthopaedic practice “ORTHO-EINS” in Berlin Steglitz, we offer a wide range of orthopaedic services and trauma surgery, minimally invasive spinal therapy, periradicular therapy (PRT), sports medicine, chirotherapy/manual therapy and acupuncture.
Our orthopaedic services at a glance
Our private orthopaedic practice near Steglitz boasts the best back specialists in and around Berlin.
Dr Christopher Topar and Dr Tillmann Hees specialize in the individual treatment of back pain, herniated discs and spinal disorders.
Rheumatic diseases, i.e. inflammation-related pain and functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system, are an important part of orthopaedic treatment.
Our knees are highly complex joints that have to withstand daily stress and are crucial for the normal functioning of the entire musculoskeletal system.
The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in the human body. The loose joint guidance allows a large range of movement, but is also responsible for the relatively high susceptibility of the shoulder.
The hip enables leg movements in all directions: Stretching, bending, spreading, pulling, turning. If these movements are only possible to a limited extent or cause pain, the cause may be a disease of the hip joint.
Without the right pediatric orthopedic or pediatric osteopathic treatment, physical deformities or diseases can mean a lifetime of pain and physical limitations. This applies, for example, to scoliosis, a curvature of the spine in children that can lead to severe postural problems.
Additional services at the Steglitz orthopaedic practice
Sports medicine near Steglitz
In our private practice near Steglitz, our professional sports medicine specialists for Berlin will treat you sensitively for sports accidents, training or fitness injuries . We treat ligament injuries, joint pain, knee problems, muscle injuries, tendinitis, sprains and bruises using the latest diagnostic and therapeutic methods so that you can get fit again quickly.
Further services
Dr. Topar and his team are your contact and orthopaedist in and around Steglitz for numerous concerns. We treat private patients with complaints relating to the human musculoskeletal system in a holistic and interdisciplinary manner:
Muscles, fasciae, ligaments:
Cartilage damage, muscle injuries, muscle pain, muscle overload, ligament injuries/tears, sports injuries, sports accidents, fitness and training injuries
Back pain, low back pain, lumbago
Shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle:
Joint pain, sciatica, osteoarthritis, shoulder pain, knee pain, hip problems, sprains, fractures
Spine-associated pain syndromes, slipped discs, neck pain, sciatica, spondylolisthesis, spinal canal stenosis, facet joint problems, headaches, migraines
Our doctors
Your contact for your request
Dr. Med. Christopher Topar
Prof. Dr. Karl Braun
Dr. Susanne Hügle
Dr. Med. Tilman Hees
Specialist Jan Pohlmann
Specialist Susanne Leidig